
LiveTru is a private membership club for men and women only, that promotes and/or re-sells health related information and products; the club is hosted by i: a woman; nikita angeline (aka teri lynn); life-time membership is free and provides access to all offerings; all activities through the club occur within the private domain only; your order confirms your acceptance to the agreement of membership to the club;

The club, website, and information offered herein is on an “as is” basis, in the private; your use of the Marine Superfood website and products are offered on your acceptance of these terms; i have the right to modify, add or remove any terms of use without notice or liability to you;

Any tender given for a product or service is a donation; you agree that you would like to use natural substances privately and obtain such from i: a woman; nikita angeline, which are created in a controlled manner backed by scientific data; as a member you agree not to complain to any government body in any jurisdiction about the club and its membership offerings as this is a private member agreement;

Best efforts have been made to obtain the most accurate and timely information available; there is no guarantee of accuracy, reliability or completeness of any of the information contained on this website since accurate information from experts is always being updated;

The performance of the website is provided to you on an “as is” basis, i make no warranty to you that the website will be uninterrupted, error free, free of viruses or other harmful components; right is reserved to modify, disable access to or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any part or all of the website without liability or notice;


i, enter into this agreement of my own free will; i, choose to establish this agreement between i, and the woman, nikita angeline (aka teri lynn);

i, agree to be responsible for my own actions and for the consequences of how i, apply any of the knowledge gained here and/or my decision to use or how to use/dispense any of the products;

i, attest that my actions on this website and any subsequent visits including electronic communications are by i, in my own right and private capacity as a man/woman, and not as an agent or representative for any governmental or non-governmental agency or organization whose purpose is to enforce a legal code, act or statute where no man or woman has been harmed, or to carry out any mission of entrapment or investigation; i, understand that this will be considered to be trespass by way of barratry and that i, will become immediately liable to pay compensation under this agreement, in the amount of $100,000 plus $10/minute the trespass continues;

i, understand that any claims of wrong and or trespass under this agreement shall be governed by law and may be pressed in a court of law by and between men and women only;

i, agree to this agreement shown by my purchase, without coercion, in exchange for access to the benefits offered by or through the club, and do acknowledge that i, have read, understand and agree to the terms.

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